Reply To: 06/14/14 – Autocross #3 Course Map

John Kim

Jack, thank you for the feedback. I understood the concept of “thread the needle” in those 3 areas but apparently didn’t apply it that well in straightening out those sections! I also saw in going into some of the med or high speed corners I was not making one steering input and tracking it through the turn, instead I made a turn in, then increased steering input at or after the apex. Perhaps the answer is to use more initial turn in on those.

My run times were:
1) 60.323
2) 55.342
3) 54.294
4) 53.018
5) 53.044
6) 53.913
7) 52.556

I don’t think I hit any cones and didn’t come close to spinning anywhere, so maybe I wasn’t trying hard enough to be on the limits of traction.

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by John Kim.