October 12, 2013 – AX #7 Course Design

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    Jeff Roberts

    Here it is! We will have a limited number of print-outs available during check-in, but if you want to be certain to have one for yourself, please print and bring with you.

    [url=https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8401/10169727886_daeb68bfc8_o.png]Click here for full resolution version[/url].

    [img size=640]https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8401/10169727886_daeb68bfc8_o.png[/img]

    [b]RUN GROUP ORDER[/b] (Rotates down each event)
    Run group 1: (B & Gonzo): This group will DRIVE FIRST and WORK SECOND

    Run group 2 (A & AA): This group will DRIVE SECOND and WORK THIRD

    Run group 3: (AAA & C): This group will DRIVE THIRD and WORK FIRST

    NOTE: Non BMW/MINI/Non-Compete and unclassified drivers are assigned to random groups based on driver/worker count. You will find out which group you are in during registration. Can you switch run groups? No, it ruins the work assignments for everyone else.


    Bwahahah! Bringing the Ferrari to AX#7 with new tires! As we all know, autocross is just like golf; it is 90% equipment and just 10% skill. Instead of finishing at the bottom of the standings like I always do, this time, I will clean everyones clocks! Bwahahah! I can hardly wait.

    Rob Powers

    Looks like a good challenge! I see at least 3 places that will totally burn you on the following turn if you don’t get the first one right.

    Cue the bitching and moaning about “too many turns” (but not from me!) in 3..2..1

    Jeff – I see that T&S and the finish are both pretty far from the pre-grid area. Is there any way to set up a speaker closer to the grid and/or make sure the timing board is pointing so it can be seen by those in pre-grid? It’s hard to keep tabs on how other people are doing when you can’t hear the announcements or see the times.

    Hal Dorton

    We’re gonna get a golf cart for shuttle service…

    Matthew Rich

    You moved T&S just so you wouldn’t have to walk as far to use the outhouses. 🙂

    Jeff Roberts

    [quote=”bornrich” post=2016]You moved T&S just so you wouldn’t have to walk as far to use the outhouses. :-)[/quote]


    We’re trying this out this time. I am shopping for an FM transmitter so people can listen in their cars during the event. This won’t happen before this weekend, but it’s been on my list of things to get for the program.

    If anyone has a recommendation, let me know. I know other clubs do this and it would be nice for us to do it too.


    [quote=”jeffroberts” post=2017]…I am shopping for an FM transmitter so people can listen in their cars …[/quote]… Gawd, not the Magnum P.I. theme song again…

    Jeff Cowan

    I love the FM idea. Way cool. Wait, is there an FM app for our smartphones? 🙂

    Rob Powers

    Only $14.88!


    Jeff Cowan

    Thank Rob. I can’t get the image of the guy prancing (that is NOT dancing) down the lane out of my head now.

    James Keane


    I did some poking around about an FM Transmitter some time back, and here are a few things I found out

    1. This is what the local SCCA SFR folks use http://www.decade.ca/en/products.php?prd=777560932 This has been around a while, so there might be newer or better technology around. There are much cheaper models with similar power out there, but I don’t know enough about transmitters to know whether spending the extra $$ is necessary

    2. Interfering with an airports signal is a No-No. There are range limits on the broadcast strength and proximity to airports. Would this be a problem for Marina ariport events? It’s related to the Part 15 of a FCC regulation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Title_47_CFR_Part_15.

    Any more technical folks have though on this?


    Tim Uptegrove

    James is right about checking with the Marina airport operation folks. I don’t believe there are any official aviation frequencies in the fm band most operate in vhf 118-137MHz, uhf 243-380MHz and non satellite navigation aids at 75MHz and 190-530KHz. Probably the worst thing that could happen is some confused Bonanza pilot wondering why he is getting autocross times instead of Montovani.

    Mark Mervich

    You guys are going to force me to get a radio for my car 🙂
    The course looks a bit tight in some of the turns, but I bet it is wide enough to not be a problem.

    Chu Chiang


    Great course as usual.
    Thanks for taking the time to design these great courses for our autocrosses

    Charlie Davis

    I agree, great blend of speeds, technical bits and “yee-ha!”

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