06/11/16 โ€“ Autocross #3 Course Map

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  • #8833
    Jeff Roberts

    Here you go! If you would like to ensure a printout for yourself, bring one from home. We will only have limited copies available at the event.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Ryan Rich.
    Dave Dunwoodie

    Only 109 signed up now. Did 7 people back out after seeing the course map? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Markus Lewtschuk

    LOL! I’m staying in, but I’m going to need a second sandwich!;-)

    Jeff Roberts

    Are the 10′ cones scaring you?

    Dave Dunwoodie

    Those cones better not be to scale. Carnage!

    Paul Brancato

    I’m unclear on the 3 cones in the straightaway–go left around them? stay right around them? tight slalom through them?

    Dave Dunwoodie

    I have a feeling you stay left of them. Better not be a 20′ slalom. And you thought there was a straightaway…

    Michael Kolesar

    I say stay right of the 3 cone in the straight away. To me they look like they were placed there to help people spatially realize that they shouldn’t go left off the straight path.

    Dmitry Semibratov

    looks like Chicago box to me…

    Jeff Roberts

    Now that we’ve driven it, what did you think? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Personally, this was one of my favorites! My biggest challenge was the corner after the slalom. I think I did it “almost right” one time, the rest of my runs, not so much.

    Nigel Mott

    My most favorite course EVER… ! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Agree with you Jeff on the tight hairpin. Trail brake like crazy and tuck in tight seemed to work best for me.

    Brian Cheung

    Yes, very fun course! It wasn’t as slow as it looks and it flowed really well! Gotta remember this one for a Rewind event.

    Dave Dunwoodie

    It wasn’t tight, if you brought the right car. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Tight line was the best for the hairpin after the slalom, if you did your braking in time.

    Matt Farnham

    I loved the course!

    Confession time…I have yet to encounter an autocross course I didn’t like!

    Andy Daniels

    If that first section flowed, I never found it.

    For me, the key was nailing both hairpins. Blowing the first one screws up the entry to the central slalom, and going deep/wide on the second doesnโ€™t get you anythingโ€”you just waste a lot of time driving out and back.

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